Journals are there when you are mad, sad, or happy. You can write down what ever you want, unless you have a pesky brother, that always wants to find it, for all you Girls.
There are multiple types of Journals like;
1. Diary
2. Prayer Journal
3. God Journal
4. or a basic book of paper that you write down anything and everything.
The first journal, is a diary. It's a journal that you write down your feelings, ideas, tell about your day, or for girls which guy your into.
The second journal is a prayer journal. It's where you write down your prayers or important bible verses, for example:
Dear God,
I wish for sweet dreams and great love. I yearn for images of something/one for me to pray for.
The third one is a God Journal. We all have one whether you know it or not. It's in your mind. When God speaks to you he's basically writing in your journal. I know in mine there are multiple pages of them saying "Follow me with your heart, not your senses" or "Pastor McGarvey." My youths pastor's might say "Even though they might be annoying love them!" or "Treat them he third onewith love, respect, and they'll do the same for you."
The third one is probably the most important to me.
The fourth one is basically explained eveything up there in the list.
I hope you have a blessed week and may God's love run through you to others,