2. Write down vivid dreams
3. Write down our prayers
One night, I couldn't sleep. So I wrote a prayer down that went like this:
Dear God,
I yearn for sleep. In fact, I need sleep. I know this is your plan. I ask for sweet dreams and great love. Please send me images of something so I can share you love and help who/what ever.
I started to write Amen, but then I flashed back to a couple Sundays back and remembered what Alex Dickey (a leader for our youth) said that when we say amen its like we are ending our conversation with God. When really we are always talking to God.
During that night I had multiple horses in my dreams. I knew that was what God was calling me to go share his love with.
The next day at school my friend; was wearing a shirt with horses on it. I saw it and told God
"I think this is the sign. I will follow!"
"I think this is the sign. I will follow!"
After talking to her she finally said " My parents are still not back together. I think they might be getting a divorce." I told her that I was so sorry! We prayed and she started to cry. We walked to class before we were gonna be late.
Everyday we still pray to give her family togetherness.
This Journal has helped me share God's love that is never ending. It has helped me become a leader and a better follower.
This is my testimony... What's yours?
Great story! Great testimony! Keep the faith Michael and continue to share what God is teaching you to everyone around you. And most importantly keep journaling!!!!