Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dear Cell Phone

Dear Cell Phone,
Today I woke up and saw you laying there. You’re just another distraction. You cannot bring me back to the lord. Let my bible do that. You cannot show me how to be a better Christian. Let my youth pastor do that. You cannot tell me that I am getting off track with my faith. Only my friends and family can do that.

But, do not let this letter fool you. Yes, I do like how you let me stay in touch with my friends in this day and age. Yes, I do like how you can let me get on the internet for a price of $30. Yes, I can talk to my family or friends on the go. But, you cannot equal what a good old-fashioned talk can do.

If you’ll do your job which is just to let me use you when I absolutely need to. I would really appreciate it. Also, If you let my church family be a steady foundation instead of a signal that can die if you go through a tunnel.

It would be very much appreciate it!
~ Michael  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! What a great message and in such a creative way! You are a great writer!
