1) What called you to write this song?
Her Answer:
The song, "My Rock" was probably birthed out of my devotional time with the Lord in the mornings. I believe I was thinking about how God never changes - He is "immutable". I decided to do a re-write of the song a few years ago, which is when I re-named it. I was thinking about our country and the "signs of the times" and thus wrote the new lyrics around this topic - how we can have peace in an circumstances if Jesus is our Rock.
2) How long have you been singing?
Her Answer:
Well . . . that's a tough one because I have never considered myself a singer! A songwriter, yes, but not a singer. I have only been singing my songs for approximately 12 years. I have been writing songs for 33 years though!! I started off singing my songs, however I then had no desire to do this and only pursued songwriting. Around the year 2000, the Lord was impressing me to sign my own songs . . . so, though I has absolutely no confidence in my voice, I went forth in obedience and began to sing publicly again. I believe that, as I have been obedient to what he has called me to do and have been diligent to try to improve my voice, He has made it sound much different that what it did 12 years ago.
3) What is the main idea behind this song?
Her Answer:
Jesus is unchangeable - a rock - an anchor, if you will. So, the idea behind the song is that if our hope and trust is in Him, we will not be shaken. We can have peace and joy in the midst of the storm if he is our rock.
4) What are you wanting your listeners to get out of your song?
Her Answer:
I want them to be inspired to make Jesus THEIR ROCK!!!!
To Find out more or to hear her song go to: